She looks more like a portrait of the head of a large corporation than the wife of a president.
Many Western media have already commented on the official photo of Melania Trump as the First Lady of the USA - and made the same mistake: they turned to stylists. The stylists, naturally, began to discuss the details - and lost the main thing, the dramaturgy.
And without dramaturgy here is impossible, since this photo should be considered in unity and dynamics together with the previous one - at Trump's inauguration. As everyone remembers, Melania put on a hat that completely hid her eyes (and the eyes, as is known, are the "mirror of the soul"), which caused a lot of speculation that she wanted to distance herself from the traditional duties of the First Lady.
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The second photo, the official one (and here the dramaturgy begins, which, as is known, should be built on surprises) completely denies this. What is especially interesting about it is that Melania does not look like the traditional image of a first lady, but rather like the head of a large corporation in her office, about whom, who is their husband (if they have one at all), only readers of women's magazines are interested.
So the first message that this photo makes is power. But what is especially important here is that the photo also emphasizes that this is the power of a woman who realizes that she is beautiful (and beauty is also power, at least over men) and demonstrates it. Moreover, in this photo you will not find any hint of either a husband (although he is the President of the United States), or family life in general.
All this is all the more unexpected (let us repeat once again that good drama is built on surprise), because Trump is accused of returning to patriarchy and, as apologists of progressive ideology like to say, "toxic masculinity." The official portrait of Melania Trump says the opposite - you can't "dominate" such a person. And this is her message to all women about their place in the world.
Фото: Instagram
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