US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin explained the dangers of cutting military aid to Ukraine and a premature ceasefire.
Putin retains his imperial ambitions, so potentially cutting aid to Ukraine and forcing a premature cease-fire would simply allow Putin to rest, rearm and attack again, the NYT reported. “It would be peace through surrender, which would be no peace at all,” Blinken and Austin said.
In such a scenario, Ukraine would be crushed under Putin's boot, Europe would be under the shadow of a tyrant seeking to rebuild Moscow's collapsed empire, and U.S. friends in other countries could face new risks of aggression from other autocrats.
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The U.S. will have to spend more resources and take greater risks to defend itself not only against a naked Russian leader, but also against other autocrats and agents of chaos who seek to destroy the system of rules, rights and responsibilities that has made generations of Americans more secure.
“Pursuing a policy of peace through strength is vital to Ukraine's survival and America's security. The United States and its allies and partners must continue to support Ukraine and strengthen its hand in negotiations that will one day end Putin's war of aggression,” they said.
Photo: report.az.
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