In the evening of January 19, a mobile fire group of the Pereyaslav DFTG shot down an enemy drone over the city.
The soldiers are ready for a tense night and in turn urge their fellow countrymen not to neglect the air raid signal, Proslav reports.
Oleh Voroshylovsky, commander of the Pereyaslav volunteer unit, said that the Russian “Shahed” was neutralized at 18:10. In almost five months, this is the twentieth air target on the unit's record.
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The volunteers largely owe their achievements to the Air Defense Coordination Center:
- “The Air Defense Coordination Center transmits information to us in a clear and timely manner and manages our movements. Thanks to this well-coordinated joint work, we are successfully practicing on enemy targets.
The DFTG commander appealed to the residents of Pereyaslav region with a request not to ignore the air raid alarms this night.
- “The enemy is preparing another massive attack, we are already observing about two dozen drones in the airspace, so I urge my countrymen to be careful. We are on the alert, additional mobile fire teams have been deployed. Obviously, this is how the occupiers “congratulate” us on Trump's inauguration,” Oleh Vitaliyovych notes ironically.
“We thank the soldiers for protecting the sky! We will win together!
You can support the activities of the Pereyaslav DFTG #2 by transferring donations to a bank card: 4874 2425 0027 9602.
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