More than 100 brigades are currently on the battlefield, and each of them requires additional equipment before increasing the number of soldiers.
“We have heard many times signals regarding the age of our military, mobilization age and so on. And, as rightly said, and from representatives of the former administration (of the United States), there are also representatives of NATO countries. You know, I will not say a very clear figure, because it is dangerous, but we have more than a hundred brigades on the battlefield, and each of these brigades requires staffing, equipment on a daily basis,” said President Volodymyr Zelenski.
He noted that more brigades constantly have something out for repair, and so there is constantly some kind of understaffing with equipment, Interfax-Ukraine reported.
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“And so, when we talk about increasing the number of our people, we must realize that, first of all, there is no appropriate staffing of brigades today. We have to staff our brigades with appropriate equipment. Our partners have all these requests,” Zelensky said.
Photo: OP.
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