Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has accused Ukraine of trying to cheat Hungarians when it comes to gas supplies.
“The Ukrainians are trying to cheat us,” he said, noting that the Ukrainians are trying to raise energy prices.
“If the Ukrainians were not playing us, energy prices would not be where they are and gasoline would not be so expensive,” he said.
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Orban added that 7,500 billion forints have been taken from us since the sanctions were imposed, Telex reported.
He asked for the opening of gas transportation routes, the closure of which has driven up energy prices in Hungary. Orban is asking Brussels to convince Ukrainians that Hungarians should not be the only ones footing the bill for the sanctions.
“All it takes is a phone call: dear Ukrainian comrades, open the valves,” he said.
Photo: OP.
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